📄️ Set Language
Redefine theme supports three languages: en zh-CN zh-TW
🗃️ Customize Home Page
3 items
📄️ create page
In the initial state of the Hexo project, there are no categories (categories), tags (tags), links (friend links), about (about) and other pages, which need to be created manually.
🗃️ Writing Modules
5 items
📄️ Article cover
The Redefine theme supports adding a cover header image to the article
🗃️ Theme Plugins
2 items
📄️ Friend Links
The Redefine theme optimizes the style of the links page. You only need to follow the tutorial below to get a beautiful list of links, as shown in the figure below.
🗃️ 说说页面
2 items
📄️ File comparison
You can use VS Code's built-in code comparison tool to compare two files:
📄️ Resource Compression
In the source code of the Redefine theme, resource files such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images are not packaged and compressed. The same goes for most Hexo themes. Fortunately, there are plug-ins that can be found to solve this problem.
📄️ 写作指南